Faye was born and raised in The Netherlands. From a very young age Faye always loved to sing and create artworks. She could easily pick up any song and could usually be found singing. When Faye was 8 years old, she and her family moved to Pennsylvania, in the United States of America.
During her teenage years and young adult life Faye experienced many years of anxiety, depression and the effects of Lyme Disease and other mental and physical illnesess. She went to many years of many types of therapy. In her early 20s she started to learn and gain interest in different types of meditation, philosophies and yoga. In 2011 she graduated with a Bachelors in Psychology.
Faye moved to Hawaii in 2011 to learn about sustainability, permaculture and community living. Through years of focusing on working with the earth, and inner healing, she discovered how she could use music as a medicine. She started to create mantras and songs to uplift and remind her of her deeper truths, to foster divine connection and her new discovery of her infinite love. As her songs started to come through, with support of her community, she began to share her gifts with everyone.
Many have been inspired by her songs, feel supported and have had deep healing happen while listening to her music. Faye loves to share her musical medicine every chance she can get and hopes her songs will continue to contribute to others' spiritual peace and happiness.
She is currently recording her first studio album so her music can be more widely available for everyone. If you would like to support her studio time & production, you can donate at the link below, gift to her paypal @ fayeadinda@gmail.com, or pre-order the album.
If you'd like to pre-order the album: donation over 11 dollars can receive a digital download. Donations of 22 and over can receive a physical copy of her album (includes shipping and handling).
Please specify in note whether you would like to just gift or whether you'd like a digital or physical copy of the CD. If you'd like a physical copy of the CD be sure to share the address you would like an album sent to when it is finished.